Let's Run: Utrecht - Ep. 2

Let's Run: Utrecht - Ep. 2

Our second stop is Utrecht, the Netherlands, a historic city situated in the middle of the country. Join me on this 10 mile run as we encounter all of its quintessential Dutch attractions and more!


Let's Run: Eindhoven - Ep. 1

Let's Run: Eindhoven - Ep. 1

Today I'm publishing episode 1 of Let's Run, which is my answer to the question of "what do I wish there was more of on the Internet?" Join me on a 10 mile run through Eindhoven to visit the sights and my favorite running segments.


Making JavaScript Art (P. 2)

Making JavaScript Art (P. 2)

This post introduces the problem of turning pictures into shapes and covers some technical details. What do I mean by pictures to shapes? In other words, the task is to extract the recognizable regions from the picture. For example, given a picture of a person, extract the person.


Making JavaScript Art (P. 1)

Making JavaScript Art (P. 1)

Or, in other words, turning code into pictures. Link to the project: makejsart.pelmers.com 15-second Video demo The land of JavaScript source code


Metroid Prime React Components

Metroid Prime React Components

In this post I'll introduce a little project I've been working on, implementing some of the in-helmet heads up displays from the game Metroid


Tangent: Houston

Tangent: Houston

Preface: this is all talking about myself, I'm not attemping to generalize my own experience to everyone around me. Recently I've been writing my


Chicago Short Tour Finale

Chicago Short Tour Finale

sit in a boat tour I'd always intended to go on an architecture boat tour [https://g.page/Chicagoline?share], since just about every


Windy City day 2 (by video!)

Windy City day 2 (by video!)

This goes over day 2 of my short solo trip to Chicago, feel free to read the previous post before this one. Planning Before


A captioned day in Chicago

A captioned day in Chicago

This is more of a diary entry than a Real Blog Post with a problem, thesis, body and conclusion. I just wanted to share


Networking checklist for AWS Lambda


For streetwarp.com [https://streetwarp.com/], I recently had to update the config of my AWS Lambda function. I had two goals: 1. add
