Firefox: Vampire Edition

November 22, 2022 · app

A year ago I published a video game-themed web design, Metroid Prime 3 HUD, which serves currently as the theme of my homepage.
Recently I found myself back in Firefox, and, discovering a distinct lack of Monster Hunter-related themes available, I decided to satisfy my craving by making one.
The monster featured in the theme is Malzeno, a vampire-themed dragon that lives in a castle and drains life through sparkly blood butterflies.


If you are a fellow Monster Hunter, first please please tell me and we can hunt together, and second you might be interested in the theme, available here:

This is far less ambitious than the last project since it's just a JPEG and a gradient but I thought it could be worth sharing.

Monster Hunter Rise: Malzeno – Get this Theme for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)
Download Monster Hunter Rise: Malzeno for Firefox. Theme with official screenshot of Malzeno on the right side

Update 2

On a completely unrelated note, I recently also made some adjustments to the project I introduced last year. Now, instead of only being available on the web site, you can download it from npm to integrate with your project and make it beautiful.

For example, with the included webpack plugin:

> npm install

> cat webpack.config.js
const { MakeJsArtWebpackPlugin } = require('');
module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        new MakeJsArtWebpackPlugin({
            imagePath: 'path/to/image.png',
            mode: 'saliency',
            cutoff: 0.5,

Completing the loop, the code that runs on the website is itself a piece of ascii art. See for yourself at dist/index.js!


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