Let's Run: Eindhoven - Ep. 1

September 5, 2021 · run


Today I'm publishing episode 1 of Let's Run, which is my answer to the question of "what do I wish there was more of on the Internet?"

Inspired by the popular format of "let's play" series, I hope this video will fulfill your desire to vicariously experience what it's like to run in different places in the world.

I want to promote being active and connecting with the world around you, and hopefully whet your appetite for running!

Episode 1

We'll be starting off in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, a city I'll call home for the next 2 years as I study for a master's degree at the Technical University of Eindhoven. Join me on a 10 mile run to visit the sights and my favorite running segments. I'm also looking for feedback on the video:

Video: https://youtu.be/ADLUn2LzT_8

See the route on Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/5907705740

Previous: Making JavaScript Art (P. 2)
Next: Let's Run: Utrecht - Ep. 2
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